Thursday, August 7, 2014

Mini scents

I know I have not posted in a long time sorry about that. Anyways I am now today we are going to make perfume bottles for your dolls  what you need is:
beads, and a hot glue gun.
first take some beads and line then up how you want and then glue them together it is a pretty simple craft.
                                                     Here is how all off mine turned out.
If you have any questions please comment below, thanks.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Easter Sundae

Do you have some left over plastic eggs from Easter? Well I did and so I thought to myself I could use these! So, I figured what about sundaes for my American Girl. I tried it and it worked so here is a tutorial!!! First you will need one plastic egg, glue, pom poms, an old cereal box, and little sample size spoon. (optional: stickers)   

 Cut the egg so you have two pieces. Then cut the old cereal box into little squares then glue a square to the round portion of your Easter egg. (then if you want put the stickers on) and glue the pom poms on. I also put tiny pom poms for cherries.

 And last but not least put in the sample spoon. It looks cute even without the spoon!
You are done. Enjoy! If you have any ideas or questions please comment below.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Duct Tape Kitchen

A couple days ago I was looking for a 18'' doll kitchen. Our generation has one but it is pretty expensive. so I thought, "I can make my own." So I did. And this is the tutorial. What you need is a good size box (I used a big cracker box), scissors, and duct tape. 

 First, cut off the bottom of the box to get the height that you want. On the front of the box, cut two flaps for the oven and dishwasher. Then tape a piece of cardboard inside for a shelf (the bottom of the box works for this if you cut it off). Then cover the sides in duct tape DO NOT COVER THE FLAPS. Then separately cover the flaps.

 Now for a handle cut a little pieces of duct tape and roll it up than take two tiny pieces of duct tape and tape each side of the handle to the flap. do this same step twice once on each side.
 Now for a sink first cut a little piece of cardboard then cut a fair amount of duct tape and fold it so a tiny sliver of sticky stuff is left. Make four of these:

Put the pieces of duct tape on the cardboard like in the picture below:

 Next, take some more duct tape and connect the corners to the desired roundness of the sink.

 I put more duct tape on the bottom of the sink to attach it.
For a faucet take some duct tape and roll it up, then take a tiny piece of duct tape and fold it so there is some sticky left and stick it on. To attach the faucet take three tiny pieces of duct tape and do a criss-cross pattern so it stays up. Finally, for a stove cut squares out of duct tape and stick them on. now it is finished. Enjoy!
If you have any ideas or questions I would like to hear them. Please comment below.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Fun Food!

I like making clay doll food. All you have to do is take some kind of clay it  doesn't not matter if it is air dry or oven dry but I prefer colored polymer clay. If you don't have colored then just paint with acrylic paint.

These are some foods I have made over the years. If you are wondering the upper food is a pizza and the lower is a hot dog that my doll can actually hold. If you have questions please comment below.