Monday, May 5, 2014

Easter Sundae

Do you have some left over plastic eggs from Easter? Well I did and so I thought to myself I could use these! So, I figured what about sundaes for my American Girl. I tried it and it worked so here is a tutorial!!! First you will need one plastic egg, glue, pom poms, an old cereal box, and little sample size spoon. (optional: stickers)   

 Cut the egg so you have two pieces. Then cut the old cereal box into little squares then glue a square to the round portion of your Easter egg. (then if you want put the stickers on) and glue the pom poms on. I also put tiny pom poms for cherries.

 And last but not least put in the sample spoon. It looks cute even without the spoon!
You are done. Enjoy! If you have any ideas or questions please comment below.

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